Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I’ve been fortunate to have off the last few weeks and just returned to work today.  Thankfully, I have a job I love and I actually looked forward to returning to my normal routine. 
I made the most of my time off and completed some house projects and started some new stitching projects.  I am also in the midst of stripping wallpaper in the kitchen.  I know it sounds crazy, but I actually enjoy stripping wallpaper…
My sweet Penny enjoyed my time off as well.  I had time to take her for longer walks, play dates at the dog park, and she got to lay outside all day in the sunshine.  Penny was a rescue puppy that I adopted in March 2013 – here she is as a puppy….


And here she is currently on her visit to see Santa, 14-months old….


She is actually a very gentle giant and loves people. 
One of my goals over break was to finish raking up the massive piles of leaves in my side yard,  I purchased a tarp thinking it would  make raking up the remaining leaves easier and quicker....silly me.

Here's how it really went - I laid out the tarp, turned to grab my rake - Penny runs off with the tarp

Reclaim tarp....Penny takes off with the rake.

Have rake and tarp (victory!) actually fill the tarp with leaves only to have Penny grab one end of the tarp and begin to shake it.....It’s funny now, but I was losing patience quickly that day

One of my Christmast starts was Rachell Howells 1856 by The Scarlett House – love my A&E patterns!!

This is my progress so far….

I also joined three SAL’s for 2014:

The Snooty Parrot by Barbara Ana Designs – still waiting on my pattern to arrive
Mary Gail by the Scarlett Letter still waiting on my threads to arrive

Hannah Lovina Joslin by Blackbird Designs – I have made a little progress on this one.

I also plan to stitch a Chrstimas ornament each month – anyone want to join me?  I picked this cute and quick little one by Lizzie Kate:  

It’s almost complete, waiting on Whitewash to arrive.
What stitiching goals do you have for the new year?


carolm said...

Penny is beautiful love her, enjoy her. I have two Siberian Huskies and they are the greatest....and you like A&E samplers too. Have a Happy New Year

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

What a beautiful pooch, Penny is! Love your new start - all the reds in it make it a favorite for me! So glad to have you stitching the Snooty Parrots with us. I hope your supplies arrive, soon!

Robin in Virginia said...

Happy New Year, Cari! Wishing you a year filled with an abundance of blessings. Penny is gorgeous. I love her coloring. Looking forward to your progress reports on your selected samplers. Your January ornament looks good and won't take much longer before it is finished.

Robin in Virginia

Margaret said...

Penny is a very pretty dog! I love her coloring! Great start on Rachel! Love your SAL choices too! It's nice that you enjoy your job -- that's the best! Happy New Year!

Lois said...

Penny is such a lovely dog (aside from keeping you back from raking up the leaves!!!!!). Love the projects you're planning on and so pleased to be stitching alongside you on Mary Gail! Love your Rachell and look forward to watching your progress on this one! I'm hoping to keep on track with stitching something Christmas related each month so you've got company!

Melissa said...

Penny is a lovely dog! It's funny the change in size between the two photos!

You've got lots of lovely stitches on the go! I love Rachel too and she's on my to stitch list!

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Online Embroidery Digitizing said...

Amazing story.