Saturday, May 29, 2010

Time on my hands

what a wonderful experience!
My house is clean and organized. I've had lunch dates with friends and some thrifty shopping time. And, I have had lots of stitching time - hooray! It's a wonderful start to my summer.
I started Jean Rattray (another A&E) - it has lots of green and apples with white centers - not sure what that is about.

Jean Rattray
Threads of Gold
40 ct something, recommended threads

I also finished my May ornament (SAL with Siobhan and Lois). This is a Shepherd's Bush ornament from the 2006 magazine. It was a fun & easy project.
Mary & Joseph
Shepherd's Bush
32 ct something, recommended threads

I received a wonderful surprise package from Terri. It was so prettily wrapped and packed in a cute, cute basket (that I failed to photograph). Aren't these strawberries so very sweet - I love each and every one of them! Terri, thank you so very much - it was such a delightful surprise to receive something handmade from you - I will treasure these always!

I received a package from Deb and, once again, she worked her magic. Deb, you are the best!

Cross-Eyed Cricket
Recommended Fabric & Fiber

The Prairie Schooler - 2006 CS Ornaments
Unknown Fabric & Recommended Fiber

And lastly, I was the lucky winner of one of Becky's wonderful giveaways. If you have not visited her blog, please do so. She is a talented woman with a big heart. So many wonderful charts - I am in stitching heaven. Thanks, Becky!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. To those who have loved one in the armed forces, we are most grateful for their service to our country. My grandfather (WWII), father (Vietnam), and brother (Air Force) served in the military.

Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Big Day

Saturday, May 15th, 2010 - I graduated!

There were over 9,000 graduates of which, 4,400 participated in Saturday's Commencement Ceremony. Glen Beck was our guest speaker. The main ceremony was outside - temps of 92 (nothing like wearing a long-sleeved black gown and black cap in the heat, lol).

It was a wonderful day and my family and friends were all there to cheer me on as I walked across the stage to receive my diploma - B.S. Business Management.

My friends threw me a great party on Sunday - it was very humbling to see all the work they did just for me. I am blessed to have a wonderful circle of close girlfriends - Paige, Elke, Tiffany, Susan, Beth, Linda, Lisa, and Ramona - you are the best and I am so very grateful to call you my friends.

To my blogging friends, please forgive me for being MIA - I owe you lots of emails, thank you's, and catching up to do on each of your blogs. With all my schooling out of the way, I hope to be more consistent with my posting and blogging. I so cherish the friendships I have made this past year through my blog. You all are the best!

I have lots of stitching to show you in my next post.

Have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Finishes, Gifts, & Thrifty Finds

Hi Everyone! It's been quite a week and it's only Wednesday. I am running on about 10 hours of sleep over the last two days. Lots of project due as we near the end of the semester. Oh how I love to say that 'end of the semester', whoohoo! No one should ever attempt to take nine classes during one semester - it's been insane. But, I also have to say I am grateful to have all these classes completed.

The series Bones has been entertaining me as I have been working on homework. I just love this show! I started with Season 1 a few weeks ago and am now watching Season 5. I have read several of the books (Kathy Reichs) so it's fun to see the characters come to life.
Staci asked about my scissors in the last post. I found them on ebay. The handles are made of the old Bakelite material. The cream side is showing and the opposite side is a gold opaque color - they are really cool.

I have been very fortunate to win a couple of drawings. The first is a from a new blog I discovered recently. I was so surprised and delighted to win - look at all the wonderful goodies! And, yep, that is a Starbucks gift certificate. Thanks so much Nancy.

candle holders, deco bird, deco tag, pretty notepads, Starbucks gc, and a cute tote bag.
The second item came from the Online Needlework Show. M Designs had a drawing and I WON!!! I had the opportunity to choose my favorite chart - hard decision. I chose this one - I really like the alternate color scheme shown in the corner.

I helped my friend Tiffany (no blog) with her yard sale last weekend and I got some wonderful pieces from her sale though she wouldn't let me pay (love you Tiffany!)

These baskets are so pretty - I've never seen these before.

I love this pitcher. It doesn't have any markings, but it doesn't appear to be old either.

I love milk glass and have several pieces scattered about. Tiffany gave me two lovely pieces. This gorgeous vase and another sweet little hobnob piece.

The little hobnob piece now resides a top the mantel in the dining room. When I first looked at our home, a piano sat in the dining room. When I moved in (and the piano was gone) we were tickled to find a fireplace hearth with the beautiful tiles in tact. But sadly, no mantel. A few months after moving in, I found this gorgeous fireplace mantel in the attic. I stripped it and re-painted it. I have been searching for the missing tiles, to no avail. It's been 10 years, way past time to just settle for finding some different tiles so that we can affix this baby to the wall. It currently just leans against the wall with the top portion just sitting on the bottom, unattached. It's definitely an accident waiting to happen.

And, this came last Saturday as well.....

I am so tickled to own one of these Barnett & Jaffey cases, I love it. And, I owe it all to my friend Terri, "the enabler." Now I just have to find time to fill it up.

My friend Lisa (no blog) gave me these really cool shoes - they didn't fit her. They are JCrew jelly shoes - they don't look like jellies and they are so comfy! She also gave me this can of Vernor's. For those that don't know, this is a Michigan pop and in Virginia, it is extinct. Lisa is from Michigan and goes home often to visit family and she gratefully brings me back a piece of my home state. I am saving it for a movie nite. Vernors and popcorn go together perfectly.

Now to my big news. I FINALLY finished the Yellow House. Another A&E, I am so very happy.

Yellow HouseSheepish DesignsLakeside Linen Light Exampler & DMC threads

Also, here is my April Ornament. Lois, Siobhan, and I are doing an ornament SAL and we have made it thru FOUR months - hooray!

Just Nan Freebie
Unidentified Fabric & recommended threads.
I have started Jean Rattray (another A&E) by but don't have enough to show right now.
Anybody still with me? Sorry for prattling on for so long! Well, back to my homework...
Have a great week and happy stitching.
p.s. Check out Paulette and Marsha's new blog and they are having a giveaway! I went out at lunch and purchased some fresh blackberries so I can make their blackberry and vanilla muffins - they look yummy!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Finding time to breathe!

Do you ever have one of those days where you have so much going on that you barely have time to take a breath let a lone a bathroom break? Well, my whole week has been that way.

It's been a great week and I wouldn't change any of it, but I am so grateful for a Sunday afternoon with nothing to do but relax, catch up on blogging, and spend some quality time with my needle and thread.

I have had lots of homework, social obligations, fun times with friends, homework, physical therapy and regular work - it's been quite a whirlwind.

Saturday I helped my friend Tiffany with her yard sale - I got some wonderful goodies - pictures later. We had a fun day and she got rid of a lot of stuff - which was her goal.

I was quite honored to receive an award from Jolene. Thanks so much dear friend - what a delightful surprise this was.

Now, I am supposed to list 10 things that make me happy and pass this on to ten people.

Things that bring me happiness:

1. My family and my sweet, sweet, Smokie

2. Long talks on the phone with my brother, Shawn.

3. Spending time with my nieces & nephew - Matthew, Ana, Abby

4. The time I spend with my friends - I love girltime.

5. My good health

6. Long walks with a good book playing on my Zune

7. Road trips - to anywhere!

8. Cross stitching

9. The wonderful friendships I have formed thru my blog

10. Antiquing, meandering thru thrift stores, estate sales, etc.

This is always the hardest part as there are so many wonderful people & wonderful blogs - I decided to pass this on to 10 new blogs I have just recently discovered in the past two weeks – hopefully you will stop by and visit them as well…

1. Margaret - A Sampler of Stitches

2. Robin - My Life's A Stitch

3. Edgar - Black Sheep's Bit of the Web

4. Susan - Afford Your Passion

5. Nancy - Nancy's Tidbits

6. Andrea - The Craft Room

7. Carol - Stitching Dreams

8. Staci - Snippets & Stash

9. Corinna - Cup of Stitches

10. Valerie - A Shenandoah Sampler

I also received a wonderful award from Melissa awhile ago but failed to put it on my blog - Melissa you are such a dear friend - thanks for the award! The award rules are to list seven interesting things about yourself and to pass this award on to seven people. Well, I have already done this once and won’t bore you all again but feel free to go here 7 & 7 - Melissa, I hope you don't mind.

Andrea (Deep Fried Cupcakes) won Terri’s giveaway and generously offered one of the charts she received as a giveaway. I was the lucky winner (happy dance) - I was so excited to receive this fabulous chart. Andrea, thanks again for sharing your win - I am most grateful!

I also received a wonderful surprise package from my friend, Deb - thanks so much Deb!

And, I was able to nab one of Tanya's wonderful, wonderful handpainted sets - isn't it just lovely!

Tanya, it is even more amazing in person than on screen.

Stop by and visit with Edgar of Blacksheep's Bit of the Web and wish him a happy blogiversary and congratulate him on his 700th post. He is having a giveaway in celebration of this momentous occasion.

I hope you have a wonderful week! Thanks so much for stopping by and for leaving such wonderful comments - I am truly grateful.

Have a wonderful week and happy stitching!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring is in full bloom

and what a wonderful, glorious sight it is. Our long winter has given me a better appreciation for Spring.
I know this picture is blurry, but I was driving and just had to snap a picture of this gorgeous stormy sky framed by the cherry blossom trees.

I apologize for my absenteeism - school is keeping me very busy. I am excited to be on the downhill side of things. I currently have six classes and only six weeks of school left, whoohoo!

I have managed to do a little stitching here and there. I did finish my March Ornament - actually two of them, one to keep and one to give as a gift.

Trail Creek Farms
WDW & unknown fabric

And here is my progress on "The Yellow House Sampler"

Yellow House Sampler
Sheepish Designs
DMC & 40 ct fabric

My one Easter purchase was this cute little beaded bracelet - I just love the spring colors.

Smokie with her new toy. She loves playing in it but keeps rolling it into the tv and scaring herself, it's hilarious.

Well, that's about all I know. Life is kinda boring in my little corner of the world.

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me wonderful comments. I am so grateful for all the wonderful people I have met thru my little blog.

Happy Stitching!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Loose Feathers Patterns

Good Morning!

I just listed several old Loose Feather patterns on ebay if anyone is interested.
Two Hearts #34 (new) - with Fabric
Beyond My Heart #32 (new) - with Fabric
Moonlit Garden #22
Where My Heart Bloosm #29
Rites of Spring #30 (new) - with Fabric
Stitching update coming soon (including my March Ornament).
Enjoy your day.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Spring Giveaway

from my dear friend Deb at the Thread Gatherer. Isn't it just beautiful! Stop by and visit her blog, she is one amazingly, talented woman.

Enjoy your day!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thank you!

As of 8:59 Friday evening, I officially began Spring Break – whoo hoo! NINE DAYS OF FREEDOM – well almost, three classes are still in progress but 3 versus 6 seems like a piece of cake. I have a long list of things I plan to do while I am off. Top of the list is clean my house! Because of my knee fracture, I cannot get on my hands and knees and scrub my floors so, I have a girl coming on Monday to make my house sparkle! I have emails to catch up on and blogs to view, I am going to overhaul the closet in our master bedroom, I have to input my portion of our tax stuff into the computer, I’m going to listen to lots of books, go for long walks, spend time with friends, watch lots of movies, and make lots and lots of x’s.
Speaking of x’s, here is my progress on the Yellow House Sampler
First, I have to thank my brother Shawn for fixing my blog as it was hijacked a couple of weeks ago. I added a counter from the Google choices – well it had a virus. Whenever anyone would enter my blog, it would automatically re-direct them to a site trying to sell something. Shawn is an absolute computer genius! He found the problem and fixed it quickly – THANKS BIG BROTHER!
Secondly, I have to thank the talented and generous Jolene of Dip Diddly Designs who honored me with a blogging award. I confess that I don’t feel very worthy of it as I have not been very attentive to my blog or to others. Along with myself, the award was given to Terri, Deb, Loraine, Yuko, Staci, and Kellie – what an honor to be listed with these six amazing women, congratulations ladies!

There are stipulations that come with the award:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award – check.
2. Paste the award on your blog – check.
3. Link to the person who nominated you – check.
4. Tell 7 interesting things about yourself – check (not sure they are interesting, but there are seven).
5. Nominate 7 blogs and post links – check.

Seven random things about myself:
Ă˜ I am currently taking 9 classes this semester – complete insanity. But, this means I will graduate in May with my BS in Business Management. I will begin my Master’s this summer and my goal is to complete it in a year, Lord willing.
Ă˜ I live in a house that was built in 1895 and each room has a fireplace. In my bedroom my favorite place to drop my jewelry was onto the mantle. Well, sure enough my favorite necklace slipped behind the fireplace mantle one evening. I took a wire hanger and tried to slide the necklace out. First I came out with someone’s checkbook, next a photograph of a bride the back was dated 1898, a $20 bill, another $20, and another $20, a $10 (none of this was money we had lost), a postcard from 1910, a few hand-hewn (handmade) nails, and lastly my beloved necklace.
Ă˜ By the time I graduated high school, I had moved 14 times. I never attended one school more than two years. No, my father was not military, he worked in the grocery business and when he received a promotion, it meant moving to a new area to manage more stores. I was born in Michigan and lived in Illinois, Minnesota, Tennessee, Alabama, and Virginia.
Ă˜ I have four brothers, no sisters, DAVID * JASONN * SHAWN * BOBBY.
Ă˜ I love shoes, especially high heels and wear them most of the time. (of course, the fact that I am only 5’5” is a motivator)
Ă˜ My previous job was managing four departments. One of these departments was Production. I would frequently help out which meant lots of running around. I would often kick my heels off to allow me to move faster and give my poor feet a break. Unfortunately, my employees got great amusement out of hiding my shoes. One afternoon after completing a huge order, I walked over to the table where I had kicked my shoes off, slipped my feet back in and as I began to walk away, I realized everyone was watching me and, I realized I couldn’t move – they had velcroed my shoes to the carpet.
Ă˜ My favorite snack foods are chocolate and popcorn – not necessarily together. And, I am a coffee snob.
Now comes the hard part, choosing only seven blogs to nominate, I did choose seven that were not on Jolene’s list but it was still hard as I love so many blogs, here goes…
Take a few moments to visit these talented women, their work will inspire you.
Thanks to everyone who stops by for a visit, your comments mean so much!
I’m off to get all dressed up as we have two wedding to attend this afternoon.
Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, March 1, 2010

And the Winner Is....

Laurie in Iowa! Congratulations Laurie! Will you please email your address to me and I'll put it in the mail this week.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my last post. I have met so many wonderful ladies during my short time in blogworld.
Happy Stitching


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gifts Galore

Smokie wanted to model the gifts. This bench is her favorite sleeping spot.Those of you that follow Alma's (Blackbird Designs) blog know that she recently has an amazing giveaway and I won, I really won. I was quite shocked and excited. The box arrived on Monday and it was full of wonderful items. The pincushion bottom is a wonderful piece and it includes a free pattern.
Bluebird pincushion ~ Bird in Hand pincushion

Next is Blackbird Designs new book, Honeysuckle Manor. It is full of wonderful patterns.And lastly are two Blackbird leaflets and a Stitcher's Journal. Snow Garden ~ Valentine Rose

I received so many wonderful items that I wanted to share. So, I am having a drawing for all my followers. Up for grabs is "Snow Garden." Just leave your information on this post by the end of the day on February 28th and I will draw a name on March 1st.

Thanks Alma & Barb for the wonderful giveaway -
your generosity and your talent are amazing!

Lastly, is my February ornament (it's your turn Siobhan). Siobhan, Lois, and I are stitching ornaments together, our goal is one a month. Lois finished BBD Merry Christmas Stocking, it is beautiful! My finish is by Midsummer Nights Designs and it will find its way to Deb sometime soon for her to work her magic.

Jingle, Sparkle, Joy
Midsummer Night Designs
DMC & random fabric

I have to tell you how sad I am - I always google my blog when I want to check it (it's supposed to help it somehow, the more searches. the better). Anyhow, to my shock and dismay someone has started a new website and a new facebook account using my name, Serene Stitches. I am really upset about it and while I understand I don't own these two words, I kinda feel that my identity has been stolen. Has this happened to any of you? (boohiss)

On another note, after this week I only have two weeks left in this sub-term, hooray! I have a week break and then I begin the next sub-term. I actually filled out my graduation application yesterday - it was quite exciting and it is actually beginning to feel real.

I hope you have a wonderful week full of stitching time.


Movies I have seen: Expiration Date; Definitely, Maybe; Nothing but the Truth; Arthur; People Will Talk.
Books I have listened to this week: The Last Song, Nicholas Sparks; A Share In Death, Deborah Crombie; The Body in the Library, Agatha Christie; The Mirror Cracked Side-to-Side, Agatha Christie.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Living in a Snowglobe

Yep, it snowed again - I feel like I am living in a snow globe and someone keeps shaking the darn thing. I know you northerners (I say that affectionately as I am one by birth) are tired of us southerners whining about all this snow but it really has been an unusual winter. Well, I made it through last week, finished all my homework by Saturday, and I spent a relaxing Sunday at home.  In honor of Valentine's Day, I had a chick flick marathon - "Did You Hear What Happened to the Morgans?", "Leap Year", and then I went to see the new Travolta movie "To Paris, With Love". It was a fun and relaxing day - which is exactly what I needed.
I ordered this in December and it just arrived - it was the Kit-of the-Month at Shakespeare's Peddler and I just love the fabric that came with it. Aren't the scissors wonderful! They were an unexpected surprise from Deb - I was so delighted to receive them and I love them - thanks again Deb!
Lastly, this is my paltry progress on The Yellow House - if you want to see the whole thing all stitched, stop by and see Deb's amazing finish. I have been switching between this piece and Liz when I can steal a few moments.

The Yellow House Sampler
Sheepish Designs
Lakeside Linen Light Examplar & DMC

Have a great week!
Current movies: Leap Year, From Paris with Love, Did You Hear About the Morgans?, The Jacket, Edge of Darkness, Rendition
Books I listened to this week: Andrew Jackson by Robert Remini; The Cat Ate My Gymsuit by Paula Danziger; The Time of My Life by Patrick Swayze; Illusions by Jill Gregory; Christmas In the Plains by Jimmy Carter; Dairy Queen by Catherine Gilbert MurdockCurrently listening to: The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks