Friday, October 30, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, Monday...
I had such a good weekend, I'm sad that it ended so quickly. I finished A Bird In Hand - it was a quick stitch and I will package it up today and send it off to Deb for finishing. If you are interested in the chart let me know and I will be happy to pass it on.
On Saturday, my friend had a jewelry show at her house - her sister-in-law makes the most amazing jewelry. After much deliberation, I decided on this black & white necklace.
Necklace designed and created by Paige Weaver
My new project is crocheting baby afghans. I have three friends that are expecting - two are due in January and the third is due in March. Each blanket will be white and then bordered in pink or blue. I enjoy crocheting but prefer to spend my time cross stitching.
My precious little cousin turned 3 this past week ~ Happy Birthday, Sarah!
I hope you each have a wonderful week full of stitching time.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
2. I finished my final exam (different class then above)
3. Bathrooms cleaned
4. In the Garden completed
5. Our Ladies Night Out went very well. My friend and I organize a Ladies night at church 3-4 times a year. We are blessed in that we have this lovely stone cottage on the church property. It's a very homey, comfortable place to meet. We always a fun, relaxing evening. There is no agenda - everyone brings their favorite appetizer or dessert and we just have an evening of fellowship. Somehow our topic strayed to our local 'flasher' - there have been 83 sightings in the past week - he must be a busy guy (or maybe it's that he's not busy). Who does such a thing and why??? I have never laughed so hard as we all gave our opinion and what we might do if we had the misfortune of running into him . I have to wonder why the police haven't caught him with 83 sightings!
I am still waiting for my fabric to arrive for Sarah, so I am working on my small projects that I purchased from Market. The picture below is of the new LaDDa kit - the color is a little off, the fabric is dark but a little more on the gold side. Not sure if I like it yet, but I am going to keep going.
Well, that's all folks - nothing new or exciting in my little corner of the world. Enjoy your week and thanks for all the wonderful comments!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Two finishes and a WIP
I can't complain as I had a wonderful, long weekend. Thursday and Friday were Fall Break at the university so I was able to leave early both days and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having. When I left on Thursday, I was so excited as it meant I could go running - I usually get off work at 5 and have a Bible Study that starts at 5:30 - so I rushed home to enjoy some time outside. In my excitement, I was speeding along (literally) and passing all the slow people (ie. going the speed limit) and I turn on to my street which goes from two lanes to one lane and just felt the need to pass everyone before it became one lane - well, up ahead was a police officer. So, I nonchalantly slid back into the slow lane and casually passed the cop...
Well, I decided I was long over due for a ticket and really deserved this one, so before he could turn his sirens on I just pulled over, got out my license, and rolled down the window. He took my license and said "Do you know why I stopped you" and I replied "Yes, I was speeding" and he started talking before I finished "I stopped you because you were... speeding? he said it in a tone of bewilderment. Then he asked me how I knew he was going to pull me over as he had not turned on his lights - I said "because I was speeding, I was so excited to have a half day off, I just wanted to get home" He told me to stay in my car and started to walk away but I stopped him as he forgot to ask for my registration - he said he didn't need it as I was being honest. (So, was he just going to assume I didn't steal the car?)
The officer was gone mere seconds when he returned and handed me my license and told me he was not going to give me a ticket - my turn to be completely bewildered. He said because I was so honest he was going to let me go - can you believe that? I was so shocked and humbled because I truly deserved the ticket.
I had a wonderful "stitching" weekend! I spent time organizing my floss (it was a mess), kitting up my new projects, and then stitching!
Just out of curiosity, is there any reason not to wind my NPI on the paper bobbins/winders?
I finished the Learning Girl Sampler last week - finally, a picture - the 3rd one is the true color!
The Learning Girl Sampler
I worked on one of my new Shakespeare's Peddler kits. It would have gone a lot of faster if I had not made so many errors! Plus, some of the floss is really close in color - and why don't they label it????
Count Your Blessings
Shakespeare's Peddler
Recommended Fiber & Fabric
And lastly, I started on this sweet little A&E - It's a fun project!
In the Garden
Milady's Needle
Recommended Fabric & Thread
I don't know what I will have time for this week - tons and tons of homework! Thankfully, another weekend is just around the corner.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Giveaways Galore
For those of you that love Halloween, stop by and visit with Jolene - she's having a cyber party which includes a giveaway & an adorable free chart.
I just discovered Marcsi's blog (thanks to Nina, who has some of her lovely hand-dyed linen for sale) and she is having a lovely giveaway.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Market Stash
Christmas at Hawk Run (CHS), A Bird In Hand (LaDDa), Needles & Pins (MN), & In The Garden (MN)
I traded w/Nicole and received this lovely chart - I hope to start on this one soon as I just love this pattern.
Elizabeth Savilles 1841
My new stitching friend (from church) Barbara called last week and said that she received two of these magazines in the mail and would I like to have one - what an unexpected blessing.
And last (but definitely not least), my sweet Smokie...
I didn't have time to iron my Learning Girl Sampler this morning but will take pictures of her soon to show. Now the fun dilemma of deciding which project to begin next - so many great new things to choose from! Speaking of new projects, has everyone seen what Theresa plans to work on next? An A&E Sampler - I am so excited!
Thanks for all the lovely comments - it's such a pleasure to check in on my blog and see that someone has visited and left me a note.
Hope your day is full of stitching.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Dip Diddly Designs Giveaway