Hi Everyone! It's been quite a week and it's only Wednesday. I am running on about 10 hours of sleep over the last two days. Lots of project due as we near the end of the semester. Oh how I love to say that 'end of the semester', whoohoo! No one should ever attempt to take nine classes during one semester - it's been insane. But, I also have to say I am grateful to have all these classes completed.
The series Bones has been entertaining me as I have been working on homework. I just love this show! I started with Season 1 a few weeks ago and am now watching Season 5. I have read several of the books (Kathy Reichs) so it's fun to see the characters come to life.
The series Bones has been entertaining me as I have been working on homework. I just love this show! I started with Season 1 a few weeks ago and am now watching Season 5. I have read several of the books (Kathy Reichs) so it's fun to see the characters come to life.
Staci asked about my scissors in the last post. I found them on ebay. The handles are made of the old Bakelite material. The cream side is showing and the opposite side is a gold opaque color - they are really cool.
I have been very fortunate to win a couple of drawings. The first is a from a new blog I discovered recently. I was so surprised and delighted to win - look at all the wonderful goodies! And, yep, that is a Starbucks gift certificate. Thanks so much Nancy.
candle holders, deco bird, deco tag, pretty notepads, Starbucks gc, and a cute tote bag.
The second item came from the Online Needlework Show. M Designs had a drawing and I WON!!! I had the opportunity to choose my favorite chart - hard decision. I chose this one - I really like the alternate color scheme shown in the corner.
I helped my friend Tiffany (no blog) with her yard sale last weekend and I got some wonderful pieces from her sale though she wouldn't let me pay (love you Tiffany!)
These baskets are so pretty - I've never seen these before.
I love this pitcher. It doesn't have any markings, but it doesn't appear to be old either.

I love milk glass and have several pieces scattered about. Tiffany gave me two lovely pieces. This gorgeous vase and another sweet little hobnob piece.
The little hobnob piece now resides a top the mantel in the dining room. When I first looked at our home, a piano sat in the dining room. When I moved in (and the piano was gone) we were tickled to find a fireplace hearth with the beautiful tiles in tact. But sadly, no mantel. A few months after moving in, I found this gorgeous fireplace mantel in the attic. I stripped it and re-painted it. I have been searching for the missing tiles, to no avail. It's been 10 years, way past time to just settle for finding some different tiles so that we can affix this baby to the wall. It currently just leans against the wall with the top portion just sitting on the bottom, unattached. It's definitely an accident waiting to happen.
And, this came last Saturday as well.....
I am so tickled to own one of these Barnett & Jaffey cases, I love it. And, I owe it all to my friend Terri, "the enabler." Now I just have to find time to fill it up.
My friend Lisa (no blog) gave me these really cool shoes - they didn't fit her. They are JCrew jelly shoes - they don't look like jellies and they are so comfy! She also gave me this can of Vernor's. For those that don't know, this is a Michigan pop and in Virginia, it is extinct. Lisa is from Michigan and goes home often to visit family and she gratefully brings me back a piece of my home state. I am saving it for a movie nite. Vernors and popcorn go together perfectly.
Now to my big news. I FINALLY finished the Yellow House. Another A&E, I am so very happy.
Yellow HouseSheepish DesignsLakeside Linen Light Exampler & DMC threads
Also, here is my April Ornament. Lois, Siobhan, and I are doing an ornament SAL and we have made it thru FOUR months - hooray!
Also, here is my April Ornament. Lois, Siobhan, and I are doing an ornament SAL and we have made it thru FOUR months - hooray!
Just Nan Freebie
Unidentified Fabric & recommended threads.
Unidentified Fabric & recommended threads.
I have started Jean Rattray (another A&E) by but don't have enough to show right now.
Anybody still with me? Sorry for prattling on for so long! Well, back to my homework...
Have a great week and happy stitching.
p.s. Check out Paulette and Marsha's new blog and they are having a giveaway! I went out at lunch and purchased some fresh blackberries so I can make their blackberry and vanilla muffins - they look yummy!
Lots of cool things there. And a couple of gorgeous finishes! How do you have time for that much fun and TV too!
Congrats on your Yellow House finish as well as your ornament! Go Cari! Hope the end of the semester brings you closer to your dream!
Love Vernors! They sell it (or did) in Western New York!
Love all your goodies! Great stitching!
Awesome, Miss Cari, that is one lovely sampler finish and I would be thrilled too!!
Vernors is great, I would send you a case, if I knew the best mode of travel!! You really got some neat thrifty deals and I can't wait to see your case full. Hope you have some free time soon, know you are extra busy and hope it lets up soon!
The JN ornament is beautiful.
The Yellow House is something else, Congrats!!
Really nice wins and finds.
StarBucks triple shot, just the right thing to pull off those all-nighters stitching, lol
Hey Cari!
Glad you like the gifties. Your little treasures from your friends are very neat (love those shoes and the vase!! I have one just like it). And your mantel!! Oh, my...what a beauty it is. Your sampler is so neat, too! Very pretty. Thanks for sharing all the photos!
Woohoo! Congratulations on the finish! YGG--another A&E. It looks fantastic. I love love love your mantel andthe tiles! So neat. Great thrifty finds, too. I'm a sucker for any type of pottery or glassware. I've never heard of that soda, but I know what it's like to get a piece of 'home' and how good it makes you feel. Enjoy!
Wow, so much stuff! I love your finish! And your ornament! Wonderful! That's so interesting about the fireplace. Where do the missing tiles go? I hope you get the mantel installed at some point -- it's beautiful! Love all the stash, both prizes and tag sale gifts. And that slide holder thingie! I'm going to have to take another look for one. I came up empty the last time I looked. Must be doing the wrong search or something. lol!
Congratulations on your finishes! The sampler and the ornament are just beautiful!
I love your fireplace tiles and mantle. Very pretty!
Nice yard sale finds too. I love finding treasures!
Wow, lots of fun goodies. Love your mantle and the tile. I am with you though time to pick something and get it attached to the wall :-).
Gorgeous Yellow House piece and I can't wait to see your progress on Jean Rattrey. I started another A&E too, The Evil Serpent, LOL.
All this and nine classes, too! How on earth do you do it all, Cari! My son is struggling with the end of the semester, as well--papers, finals, ugh! Best of luck to you...
Your "Yellow House" is a true beauty and will look lovely in your home. I just love your fireplace in the blue dining room--that whole scene is so peaceful looking... Do you happen to remember the paint color you used there? I'm looking for a similar color to paint one of my son's old bedrooms--in other words, I'm taking over their rooms one by one :)
A big Congrats on finishing the Yellow House sampler and your ornament. Both are beautiful.
Someday I'll get Yellow House stitched for my A&E wall.
Congrats on winning some lovely prizes too.
What are you going to do with all that free time once your classes are finished? You must be so happy to see the end in sight.
Oh Wow! So much to comment on. Congrats on your wins and finishes! To fun. Also, I have to say how much I love your fireplace! The colors are beautiful. The white white with the blue walls...classy. Love it!
Hope all goes well with the rest of your year. What is your next project to start? We still need to get going on those ABC patterns. sigh!
Have a good one.
Wow, wonderful post Cari! You remind me of my sister with that Vernor's pop. She loves Faygo Red Pop but she couldn't get it out in California, so I would have to send it to her.
Congratulations on finishing your Yellow House Sampler. YGG! It looks wonderful. Are you running, not walking to the framer? I finally took mine in after it laid around here for a while.
And wonderful goodies you got from everyone! It looks like Christmas with all the wonderful things you received!!
Cari, congrats on finishing Yellow House, it's beautiful! Sounds like life is still ever so hectic, good luck with getting all those end of semester projects done. It's almost the summer!! What fantastic thrifty finds and some lovely giveaway wins too! Congrats on the lovely ornament finish - I can't believe we're still managing to keep up with this. I know we're only going into May but we're doing good!!!
Have a good weekend!
Hi, Cari!
Sorry this comment is so late (for some reason I can't comment from my phone... I'll figure it out, though!!).
Anywho, those are some great finds you've got!! And your win?? Score!!
But the most kudos go to you for Yellow House! Love it!!! YGG!!
I did want to let you know that if you ever make your way up to the Fredneck are the Weis Markets carry... are you ready? Vernors!!!! Yep! I tought I'd won the lottery the first time I saw them on the shelves (I'm a Michigander, too, and my mom still lives there). :)
Have a great week!
Congratulations on your finishes! I loved seeing your thrifty finds, the mantel is really pretty.
Nice finds and wins. :) Congrats on finishing Yellow House. It is gorgeous!!
You found some wonderful things. Congrats on the win. The baskets are adorable.
I've discovered your blog and I like it so much! congratulations to you.
By the way I want to make you a consulting: Can you tell me, whe dis you buy the gold scissors that I see in the post:
"Finding time to Breathe"
Thank you very much, ang regards from spain!
Wow, you have acquired some wonderful things recently! And having lived in Michigan during my early years I fondly remember Vernors :). It was fun to see it again (and to hear it called pop). I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. It's great to meet you!
that case is awesome! I need to find myself one.
oh my the quaker ink circles chart
looks like it would be a dream when finished- but a nightmare for me to follow the pattern
i do love the color square option
i would go nuts stitching it on black.
either way i fell sure you will make it happen smoothly
hooray for semester end
enjoy the pause!
Just keep telling yourself, "It's almost over, it's almost over,"... Good luck with all your last minute school work!
Congrats on your fabulous Yellow House finish! I have had my eye on that sampler for some time now...I just love that A&E are displayed at the top and not the bottom. Oh, and I love your ornament finish too!
Happy Stitching!
Wow aht a fantastic post! Wonderful finds and wins and I love your Yellow House Sampler.
Congrats on winning those lovely prizes and also on your beautiful stitching! Thanks for all the pics!
Hello I discover your blog which is a small marvel
Good continuation
Best regards of marylin France
Wow, you have some great finds. I particularly love the pitcher with the blue flowers.
Congratulations on finising the Yellow House. It's so beautiful. And so is your new JN ornament.
What beautiful finishes! That ornament is justl ovely! You've got some great finds!
Congrats on finishing your Yellow House - beautiful!! I loved seeing all the finds in your post too. I love milk glass and have a vase just like the one you showed with the hobnail pattern. It's my favorite.
I don't know how I missed this post, Cari! What a great finish the Yellow House sampler is! Congratulations on finishing it!
Great giveaway you received. I recognize the little bird in your package to be an Isabel Bloom. I love her sculpture and have lots of pieces in my home (and garden).
Your ornament is lovely!
We always ship a couple of bottles of Vernors to Hawaii for Rob's sisters at Christmas!
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